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This is a 3-day Stargate Oracle Ceremony and Timeline Alignment opportunity with

Xi EarthStar Healer.  In this portal, we are focussing on Starseed Mission Activation.  Through the Unification and Integration of the Earth and Star self, healing the original traumas of separation, and learning advanced mechanics of Universal Creation, we Activate our Creator Power.


Riding the Stargate energies of the powerful Heliocentric Pleiades Alignment and the opening of a Transharmonic Gateway, Xi with her eclectic and potent Angelic-Galactic team takes us on a journey through our wounding, to Remembrance of our Star Soul and our Starseed Mission.


This workshop is great for anyone on the awakening and healing journey, who may struggle with the complete healing of certain trauma systems.


Trauma systems explore not only the human and past life traumas in our bio-field but also the interdimensional trauma that many starseeds experience in childhood through negative ET abduction, manipulation, and experimentation in the astral realities.


This workshop is also great for anyone who feels they are a starseed and have latent gifts of healing or creation, who need a little boost to activate them.  Our ability to fluidly create with ease and grace is completely tied into our lower chakras, so this workshop can help you move past any perceived blocks in this area.

Flower Illustration Reverse

The Pleiades Gateway

[Long] Pleiades Gateway Nov. 2021.png
As an Oracle for the Divine Mothers and the galactic & angelic teams which coded the many healing bio-technologies we know as plant medicine, Xi bring through frequencies via light and sound which catalyze deep multi-dimensional healing and restoration very similar to various plant medicine journeys.
Inside this Oracle Ceremony experience, you can expect profound levels of healing and self-reconciliation, while exploring multi-dimensionality, from the comfort of your own space.  Connect with beloved soul families from all over the world while we bring these healing frequencies into our own local environments together, for planetary gridwork.
These transmissions and ceremonies are always a balance between intellectual information, and direct experience of healing, and multi-dimensional journeying in the source field.  You will access and experience growth and healing at all levels of our awareness.

Nov 19        12 - 1:30pm MST        Workshop #1 - The Starseed Mission: A MultiDimensional Briefing

A thorough dissertation on the Starseed Mission, from the Christos Realignment Mission, to assisting humanity in reclaiming original intent, to creating the Golden Age. Includes relevant parts of Galactic-Cosmic History & the Influence of Planetary Distortions


Nov 19        3 - 4:30pm MST        Workshop #2 - The Earth Self & True Soul Embodiment

A break down of the different possible traumas and distortions hindering correct Incarnation; Incarnational sciences; timeline healing, personality splinters, soul loss and fragmentation, frozen miasms, 


Nov 19        6 - 8pm MST        Oracle Ceremony #1 - Shadow Body Restoration

Clearing out-dated personality structures, out-dated thought patterns and beliefs, childhood time-coordinates of wounding, sexual distortions, parental wounding, subtle awareness trauma, childhood astral manipulation and trauma, open wormholes to negative realms and entities, soul retrieval of fragmented aspects


Nov 20       12 - 1:30pm MST        Workshop #3 - The Lower 3 Chakras & Tools of MultiDimensional Healing

Common Distortions of the Lower 3 Chakras and traumas of the false matrix.  Tools and processes on Self Healing and Restoring the Lower 3 Chakras, and fragmented aspects of Self.  Aligning fragmented soul aspects which hinder growth and higher self embodiment.


Nov 20        3 - 4:30pm MST        Workshop #4 - Multidimensional Anatomy & Artificial Seals and Implants

An introduction on the existence of artificial seals (j-seals, zeta, etc) where they came from and why it's important to remove them on a personal and planetary level.  How these seals influence planetary collective consciousness, and how to remove them and maintain our lightbody.


Nov 20        6 - 8pm MST        Oracle Ceremony #2 - Lightbody Restoration & Advanced Lightbody Activation

Clearing: all 7 j-seals, zeta seal, and templar seals, heiros-gamos blockers, reversal current implants, and to connect participants to 12-15D+ dimensional frequency aspects of our Self and the universal time-matrix (the “Source Field”)


Nov 21       12 - 1:30pm MST        Workshop #5 - Devotion & the Path of Mastery

Cultivating virtues and traits of Ascending Mastery and walking the path of devotion.  This is a direct transmission on virtues such as Devotion, Patience, Diligence, Humility, and Courage


Nov 21        3 - 4:30pm MST        Workshop #6 -Our Highest Self, Galactic Team & Multidimensional Anatomy

A breakdown of our lightbody's anatomy, how to run high frequency creator level currents for healing and upleveling our Self, Reality and Collective, meeting and working with our angelic-galactic team


Nov 21        6 - 8pm MST          Oracle Ceremony #3 - Mastery 12D DNA Activation

DNA Activation Ceremony focusing on bringing in our higher dimensional Selves & angelic-galactic Team, the experience of accessing higher dimensional aspects of our self through the transharmonic stargate, activating our 12D DNA-consciousness structures; activating Divine Love, Wisdom & Power & anchoring the highest timeline

Event Itinerary

Leaves 3


" The difference between a healing workshop with a healthy ambition versus an unhealthy one, is EarthStar's Pleiades Activation. Xi has all the correct elements for Actual Transformation: a safe container for healing - a sacred, protective space for our traumas which enabled proper transmutation - and they were a loving conduit for powerful transformational Galactic energies.


Those who were ready to receive the activations and healings, did. This wasn't fluff. This was the real deal.  I'd never experienced anything like this.  I moved (what seemed like) mountains in four days. My Soul rejoices, for Myself and for the Collective!  There is no place on Earth like The EarthStar Sanctuary. 

I've found the Mother Ship!

Jump on board, beautiful humans. "

" The container that Xi creates for her events is both safe & most magical. She delivers above and beyond any expectations or dollar value spent to be included with her. Wise beyond her years it will be most interesting to see where the light of her grace takes her next. "

The Pleiades Gateway Activation was life altering! I can feel it healing at my deepest core, past life traumas and more. The workshops and activations really hit home and brought me to tears each day. I know it will help me to become the best healer I can be.

" I embarked in a ship with you as a Commander.  I felt an expansion of my being, healing and harmonization frequencies were working on different layers of my being.  Every command was deeply beneficial to every prism of light and geometry that compose my being.  I felt the power of the earth crew (us) the guides from Gaia (Tree and Animals) and the Stars realm.  A deep state of presence, space and love enveloped my being through out the transmission. A column of light of healing expanded across mother earth. No words can convey the peace, love and gratitude I feel for this ceremony. "

" Xi is truly a magical being and her healings are so real. I have changed in so many ways in these last 4 days!  I feel so much gratitude to the Source and to all the positive Beings who are taking care of us and guides who want to make sure we can make this massive transition of the Earth into light and love... Thank you, Xi, for all the work you do everyday! "

" Very deep and powerful. At moments, during ceremonies, I felt like I was in an ayahuasca ceremony. I can feel there were major shifts as my physical body clearly lets me know.  I heard Xi on a number of summits this year, and felt an instant connection to her presence, extraordinary Voice and an ability on my part to open to the presence of your beautiful medicine and allow it to embrace me. "

" I could really feel stuff happening during the ceremonies, when Xi sings it’s especially powerful.  Xi brings in high energies in a different way than I am used to,  I love that she works in alignment with the highest self, which allows me to trust.  Xi is dedicated to the path, and I resonate with that. "

A very safe and potent container, filled with so much unconditional love, transmissions, activations, clearings. Xi’s ability to tap into the collective field of the group is phenomenal.  She holds us safe and strong while weaving the healing energy through the field.  It is like being in a sacred ceremony.

I went in with no expectations but I was surprised at how I was finally able to really open my throat chakra!  It was one of the most profound experiences and releases I have ever had. To be within an amazing community and finally being able to openly share our true selves and the sacredness of our bodies so intimately was a gift beyond words.

Tropical Bird

This is the most transformative course I have ever done.  If you are ready to dive into your shadow/night self and come out the other side a divine creator being, seriously - Xi is your guide!

Illustrated Jaguar

" This 4 day ceremony has left me feeling so at peace and at home in myself. I feel like I quantum leaped into my future self, I feel closer to her than ever before. Proving to myself that I am worth 3-4 hours of ceremony everyday is AMAZING.  How good I feel afterwards is only a testament to how loving, healing and galactic the EarthStar tribe is. "

" This was a great assistance for me on my journey to wholeness. It was so helpful to have guidance on my path which often feels like I'm navigating blindly with no one else on the path. It is heart-warming to know that there are many others like me. "

" This was an extraordinary magical boost to get unstuck!  The clearings are incredible, and I’m finally getting answers about my trauma and all the misery that has happened to me in this lifetime.  Xi teaches us how to Source from within for our healing, I’m forever grateful! "

This was a wonderful space filled with wisdom. The downloads were perfectly timed and the medicine was what I needed to strengthen my connection to my soul journey. I am grateful for the time to connect with Pleiades.

" This was a great assistance for me on my journey to wholeness. It was so helpful to have guidance on my path which often feels like I'm navigating blindly with no one else on the path. It is heart-warming to know that there are many others like me. "

" I experienced so much release through tears and somatic movements. The first 2 days felt as though it was created specifically for me. I received so much clarity regarding past events in my life. I am forever grateful for this experience and healing. "

" The reverence, joy and love that was given in this course through the gateway connected with me on the highest and deepest levels of my being.  I cried quite a bit through the sessions, and found that the healings conducted were one of the most thorough I have heard or experienced. There's lots to still digest, integrate and finally act upon. I am infinitely grateful that my heart lead me to Xi and the Earthstar team. "

This is unlike any seminar or class I have ever experienced!  I never left my bedroom yet I feel like I’ve been away, far away.  I know this class activated some dormant areas in my DNA and helped me process sacral trauma.  It’s by far the most transformative ceremony I have ever experienced. Thank you!

" My experience with the Pleiades Gateway was very deep and powerful. It was beyond what I imagined. I can feel in my physical body all week, the shifts that have been taken place. I feel I was being held in a womb as transformation was taking place. Amazing and beautiful to experience. "

" The beautiful Divine Medicine that is felt and sung by Xi, is truly a gift that heals and guides us through the challenges of going within and addressing the "dark".  Xi’s work enables own Divinity to flourish and complete the journey of healing that we are on and be a stronger Light for the world. "

" On the 1st night I had a galactic visit that I was allowed to Fully experience and remember, as well as a healing from that energy . The 3rd night I was able to finally get my kundalini to raise after healing the blocks in my lower chakras. "

Tropical Bird

After working with Xi, I feel like I'm on a new path. I feel like I'm taking steps toward the me I've always wanted to be and toward the world of connection, love, gratitude, acceptance, and divinity I've always dream of.  It's hard to describe just how transformative this event has been!

Illustrated Jaguar
Watercolor Brush 11


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