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11/11 Activation Oracle Sound Healing

Celebrating this 11/11 portal by singing to Humanity, codes of Dignity, Grace, Compassion and Gratitude ~ Weaving the Heart Web Portals across Planet Earth ~ A Reminder of our True Presence & Purpose

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6 commentaires

Katie in NZ
Katie in NZ
14 nov. 2020

This was next level!!! Thank you!!!


Membre inconnu
13 nov. 2020

So soothing and magical! 🌹🙏🏻🤗


Stephanie Farlow
Stephanie Farlow
13 nov. 2020

So beautiful! Takes me to another dimension


13 nov. 2020

So grateful for this trans- mission:) beyond words!


Kimberly Kamborian
Kimberly Kamborian
13 nov. 2020

Beautiful uplifting grounding helping me to remember the ancient ceremonies under the stars

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