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Rachel EP

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Join date: Sep 15, 2020


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Hi everyone, My name is Rachel and I live in Brisbane, Australia. I found Xi via Matthew Mournian and have ever since just been drawn to how beautifully and honestly you speak, let alone sing! So me signing up to this course had just been that draw,a pull knowing Im meant to do this (without knowing why) when I watched your intro video on this. Certain words just jumped out at me and truly resonated. I feel I'm ready for something without knowing what that something is yet but I will -divine timing. I'm an intuitive healer and counsellor and my spiritual journey (and growth) has amped up quite organically every year for the past 10 years and my guidance has told me what I see as just waiting(my ego makes me feel this way at times) is actually preparing. Anyway I'm super excited and thank you Xi for putting this on offer with so much amazing , sacred content and wisdom included. I look forward to learning, growing and connecting.❣️

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